At this age the student needs more to be well known about architecture connections between other disciplines and the full coordination process of the engineering and how the architect can manage the whole process with a team of Civils, Mechanics and electrical engineers to enhance the concept with detailed drawings and the design will not be only a sketch.
Content quality:
The content of the workshop is inspired from what the teachers have learned from the followed study system at polytechnic di Milano during the design studios that were held by the professors Simone Giostra, Maria Grazie Folli, and Sonia Bestida.
Student after completion of the workshop:
. Winning competitions
. Structure Analysis
. Material connections
. Construction diagrams
. Being prepared for graduation or studying abroad or working at international companies.
After the workshop:
The lecture of the expert guests will be provided to the students as a gate to the future technologies using BIM system and a gate to think professionally as an architect within a full team of engineers to let the design take a further step after it’s process.
Louis Aguilar –
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