At this age the student needs more awareness about elevation systems, identity, sustainability and render quality. The student at this time lacks experience environmental simulation analysis programs and also lacks experience in understanding what sustainability and green architecture is. This workshop will link these skills together in a practical way with elevation systems and building composition design, the main focus will be on the environmental design and relating photography with render.
Content quality
The content of the workshop is inspired from what the teachers have learned from the followed study system at polytechnic di Milano during the design studios that were held by the professors Simone Giostra, Maria Grazie Folli, and Sonia Bestida.
Student after completion of the workshop
The student will be able to
. Make a render composition of a sustainable elevation system within a full context.
. Avoid time pressure before submitting any project.
. Spare the effort to produce high-quality drawings to explain his architectural idea.
After the workshop
The lecture of the expert guests will be provided to the students as a gate to the future and a gate to think professionally as an architect with a brave heart that they don’t fear how to draw and explain their ideas like this expert.
Louis Aguilar –
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